Saturday, 5 December 2009

My Name is Fulcna is creeping closer to publication!  Things are moving along again and will hopefully keep up a nice pace over the next few months.  It will hopefully be hitting the shelves before the end of the financial year (June).

Speaking of books, here's a list of some of my favourites:
* The Chronicles of Narnia
*Somewhere Around the Corner
*The Tomorrow Series
* Anything by Enid Blyton (esp. the Malory Towers series)
*The Giants, by Roald Dahl
* The Bible
*First Draft in 30 Days
*Black Beauty
* Pride and Prejudice
* the dictionary
* I am David
* Jane Eyre

Are you bored yet?  That's not a comprehensive list - it's just a list of the ones I have on my shelves or the ones very close to me.  If you love books and have some suggestions, email me at  Also, visit my website at and see what else I'm working on.

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